Vintage Tie Dye Shirts: 7 Creative Ways to Indulge Your Inner Hippie

11 November 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If the notion of recreating a '60s hippie look appeals to you, begin with a vintage tie dye shirt. For your nostalgic hippie fashion trip, complement your tie dye T-shirt with hippie-inspired jewelry and accessories. Here are 7 creative ways to indulge your inner hippie: 1. Select the Perfect Vintage Tie Dye T-Shirt: Choose a rock star vintage tie dye shirt with an imprinted photo of your favorite hippie-era band. Perhaps you'd dig the Grateful Dead logo with those colorful bears that symbolize their music. Read More 

Why You Should Buy Women’s Boutique Tops

24 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

There are dozens of boutique stores filling shopping malls across the nation. Undoubtedly, you probably have a few favorite boutiques yourself that you like to browse and occasionally shop. However, you should be shopping boutique stores more than you do, not less. As an example, here are reasons why you should buy women's boutique tops. Your Purchase of a Boutique Top Means You Get a Very Unique Shirt Most boutiques have a very unique selection of clothing items not seen anywhere else. Read More 

3 Ways To Make Your Laundromat Stand Out

29 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Owning a laundromat is a great way to make a living while providing a needed service to your community. With around 35,000 laundromats or coin-operated laundry facilities in operation across the US, it can be fairly easy for potential customers to find a service when they want to wash their clothes. Since there are likely a few laundromats in your own community, you want your laundry services to stand out so you can bring in more potential customers. Read More 

How To Make The World A Better Place And Feel Really Comfortable Doing It

31 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Sometimes it is not enough to send food and water and other goods overseas to help the economically disadvantaged. Sometimes, you wish you could do so much more. It leaves you feeling a little uncomfortable in your own skin, especially since you do not know for certain that your financial donations went where they were supposed to or even if your food and water donations helped the people you intended to help. Read More 

Three Clothing Pieces To Wear During Your First Motorcycle Ride On The Coast

10 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Once you learn how to ride a motorcycle, you may prefer your long distance rides to take place on a bike. No only do you get a chance to experience the difference being out on the open road in an open bike, but you also get a chance to have a better view of nature. Especially if you are interested in going on a bike ride near the ocean, you will have the opportunity to smell the salty air near the coast and hear the actual waves crashing into the shore. Read More